Free classes and other goodies
Eye-opening facts, constructive feedback, and a new opportunity
Are you ready for a whole bunch of treats? (And we’re not talking about trick-or-treating, although we do like candy and costumes.) We’re talking about free info sessions, free feedback sessions, and something pretty big we are saving for the end of this issue.
FREE online info sessions
In the spirit of accessibility and information-sharing, we’ve decided to make our popular “Publishing info no one talks about” session FREE! No one should have to pay for what we feel is basic information all writers should have. From how editors work to costs and timelines to retailer discounts to how bookstores make their choices and how direct sales work, attendees will come away with valuable insights and practical tips for making informed decisions. So come join us at one of the upcoming sessions, and please spread the word! First free session is next week.
Tuesday, October 22 from 6 pm to 7 pm ET
Tuesday, November 19 from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm ET
Thursday, December 5 from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm ET
FREE online feedback sessions on first pages and query letters
What? Yes, you read that correctly. We’d like to help writers with these two VIPs (Very Important Pages). Here’s the deal: sign up for a 3-part series to receive feedback on either your query letter or the first page of your manuscript. Each series meets once a week for one hour, and at each meeting the editor (i.e. Henriette or Anjali) leading the session will pick three of these submissions (which the participants will have sent to us ahead of time) for feedback and critique during that session. You will leave this series with constructive criticism on your own page as well as insights you’ll glean through critiquing other people’s pages, and hearing the feedback of the group.
Upcoming session dates, just in time to make sure you don’t lose track of your writing during the holiday season:
First page feedback: Tuesdays December 3, 10, and 17 from 6 pm to 7 pm ET
Query letter feedback: Wednesdays December 4, 11, and 18 from 6 pm to 7 pm ET
Register now! Details on our site.
Ok, some online classes that aren’t free
Because we do run a financially sustainable business! We’ve got some other great classes coming up:
On October 23, Henriette is teaching “What your character wants: using desire to propel your novel”
On November 14, Anjali is teaching “Historical research for fiction writing”
And all are welcome to a free, in-person session on October 24th on the future of publishing (you know, just a small topic) co-hosted by Emerson College and the Women’s National Book Association.
And now, the big announcement:
We are offering YOU the opportunity to invest in Galiot Press!
Own a piece of the company and share in our mission to imbue publishing with more transparency, respect, equity, and sustainability; to support new and bold literary voices; and to bring important, engaging, and refreshing stories to readers in new ways.
If you are interested in information about investing, please email us:
Great to see these amazing offerings. Thank you for sharing.