Thank you. But what's unconventional about your "unconventional submissions process". Looks pretty conventional to me : ) I'm not just joking around. Well, maybe I am, but issues like these are what I write about. If you have a new angle I could give you a shout out

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Hi Richard! Thanks for the question. Our submission process is based on a reservation system, so that we can guarantee 100% responsiveness to queries within a week. Every week on Mondays we will open up a number of query slots based on a realistic assessment of our time that week, so that we can read all the queries that come in, and respond by Friday. In this manner, no one will be stuck wondering if and when they will receive a response. We know firsthand the agony of sending one's work out and not hearing back for months, or sometimes not hearing back at all. As far as we know, no other publisher is approaching the issue the way we are.

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